A good gut feeling

Hardly any other organ takes as much influence on our well-being as the intestine. It makes nutrients accessible to us, it disposes of toxic substances and is the main seat of the immune system. Pay some attention to your intestine this spring.

A cake, a tablet or a tomato – everything we swallow is soaked and slowly shoved through the intestine. This inconspicuous organ in the middle of our body withdraws all active substances and nutrients from the mass and disposes of the rest. In a lifetime, around 30 tons of food and 50,000 litres of liquids, but also many kilos of harmful substances and bacteria pass the intestine this way.

In order to cope with the daily rush, the intestine is equipped with a length of approximately eight meters and millions of extended villi that sum up to an inner contact surface the size of a football field. Orbicular muscles make sure the food is continually moved on.

Further, 80 percent of our body defences are located on the intestinal mucous membrane because there, at the biggest border area between inside and out, the hose-shaped organ decides every second not only between useful and disposable, but also between good and bad substances. Anything that might become dangerous must be fought and destroyed.


What is good for the gut

Winter is over. During the cold season, we often don’t move enough and food is often too sweet and fatty. This combination can harm the sensitive intestine in the long run. It will become sluggish and indigestion may become the source for many other diseases. So now after Christmas and carnival is a good time to take strain off your gut.

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