Strength from nature
The medical doctor Otto Greither wanted to assist his fellow men and women with natural healing methods and natural alimentation for a healthy life style. Therefore, in 1916, he founded the company Salus Haus in Munich. Today he surely would be very proud to see that his principles are still valid. So, for one century, Salus has been standing for health and wellbeing in a holistic sense. With utmost care we select the best healing herbs and ingredients according to their effectivity and compatibility, so that in the form of high quality medicinal products and food supplements, they may help people to stay healthy.
Then and now, Salus has been standing for nutrition and remedies without any preservatives, artificial flavours or genetically modified agricultural raw materials. It is our aim to process as many herbs and healing plants from organic farming as possible. Additionally, our products are particularly valuable because we do not only focus on the high quality of the products, but also invest into guaranteeing the future for the human being.
A holistic, sustainable view of the world based on natural commitment understands the human being as a part of their environment. Nature is our livelihood. Therefore we have to care about it. Natural reserves such as water, soil and fossil energies are not endlessly at hand. Permanent use without any regeneration is not possible. Sustainable behaviour is indispensable.
At Salus, environmental protection and sustainability have been a tradition for more than 100 years. We are proud of our achievements and consider them as an obligation to continue this tradition.
Otto Greither and Dr. Florian Block
Managing Directors