Hardly any other organ influences our well-being as much as the intestine.

A high percentage of fresh, high-fibre food is ideal. Fruit and vegetables, legumes and whole-grain products enlarge the intestinal contents by their swelling capacity and stimulate the movement of the bowels. Besides, fibres can bind harmful substances and have a positive effect on the gut flora.
Altogether, a person needs 2 to 3 litres a day. Especially the elderly should drink lots of fluids, preferably mineral water, tea, vegetable juices and diluted fruit juices.
Sitting a lot causes a lazy bowel. Movement and respiratory and relaxing exercises help reactivate the bowel. A glass of warm water after getting up in the morning can work wonders.
So called secondary plant compounds play a central role when it comes to health prevention. Plant compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory or antibacterial properties are particularly important.
Fresh fruit and vegetables and fresh pressed plant juices contain lots of valuable secondary plant compounds and are especially rich in vitamins and minerals.
Prefer cold pressed plant oils for cooking, salads etc. Sea fish provides valuable active omega-3 fatty acids.