Herb cultivation, orchards, alluvial forest - our company site is pretty green.
At our company site in Bruckmühl, Germany, every year an average of 2,5 million kWh electricity is produced in our own sites. This corresponds to the average annual consumption of about 625 four-person-households. In comparison to the German electricity mix, we can impede more than 1.400 tons of CO2 per year.
Our most important energy source consists of two hydro-electric power stations on our company site, with which we produce already for decades our own electricity environmentally friendly and without harmful emissions. Depending on the water flow we produce between 2.000 and 2.700 MWh per year.
Additionally there are several photovoltaic installations: in 2008 we started with the roof of our administration building, a year later followed the front sides and roofs of the warehouses, and finally the roof of the hydroelectric plant. By now there are 2.028 solar modules with a peak performance of 305 kW.
The photovoltaic installation at the front side of a warehouse has another environmentally friendly effect: in the summer months, the solar cells provide shadow to the windows so that the storage temperature can be held at a low level without technical cooling. This is important in order to impede the reproduction of stock pests. In winter the sun is lower, so that the thermal radiation reaches into the warehouses and helps reduce the need for heating.
Depending on the water flow, Salus can produce between 60 and 90% of the electricity consumed for production etc. by regenerative means. The electricity needed for the operational fluctuations is purchased from the electric power plants Schönau, a partner who provides non-atomic electricity from regenerative installations. So, at Salus the electricity provision is 100% regenerative and CO2-neutral. Already since 2002!
Since autumn 2015 also the heat supply is climate neutral: the calculated CO2-emissions from the gas consumption are compensated through emission reduction certificates. The supported climate protection projects are certified according to the internationally accredited GOLD standard. Hence, the production processes at the company site in Bruckmühl are almost climate neutral.